What is the General Secretariat for Mission?

The General Secretariat of mission is structured to carry out three main functions: 

  • observatory

  • accompaniment

  • involvement and participation in ecclesial paths (synodality)


SGM Team
Fr. Fernando González Galarza
General Secretary
From Mexico, he worked in South Sudan among the Nuer people and in Mexico in Mission Animation. He is in Rome from 2019.
Bro Alberto Parise
JPIC Coordinator
Italian, he worked in Nairobi (Kenya) in urban ministry and teaching at Tangaza College. In Italy he has worked in Youth Ministry. He is in Rome from 2019.
Fr. Arlindo Ferreira Pinto
LMC Central Comission
From Portugal, he worked in Mozambique in pastoral and in teaching. He has been director of Alem-Mar magazine in Lisbon.
Fr. Dario Bossi
From Italy, he worked in Italy in youth ministry then in Brasil, where he is currently the Provincial Superior. He is also member of the REPAM (Red Eclesial Panamazónica)
P. Emery-Justin Kakule Muvawa
is Congolese and has served as a missionary in the Province of Egypt and Sudan. He is currently provincial superior of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
P. José Joaquim Luis Pedro
is from Mozambique and has worked in Ecuador. He is currently provincial superior of the province of Mozambique.
P. Alvarado Ayala Javier
is Mexican, has developed his missionary work in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Mexico and in the London Province, where he currently serves as vice provincial.
The WMS uses combonimission.net as a platform to communicate the programmes it runs. It includes a container of material organised in a structured manner. It is also an open space for the contribution and exchange of views of Institute members on various topics. In addition, it includes links to mission-relevant blogs and websites. (SGM Statute No. 28)