Integral Ecology
A Community Action Plan for a Conversion to Integral Ecology
The Laudato Si' Action Platform
Five years after the publication of Laudato si', Pope Francis wanted to relaunch its message and call for a concrete...
A Reflection on the Commitment of Comboni Missionary Communities to Integral...
The XIX General Chapter not only committed to joining the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP), but actually gave several other specific guidelines in accordance...
Popularizing Laudate Deum among Christian Communities
Climate change is the order of the day: we experience extreme weather phenomena, such as prolonged droughts and devastating floods, with increasing frequency and...
Impacts of mining – agribusiness
The Case of the Parish of Santa Luzia de Piquiá - Açailândia/MA - Brazil - Joseph Mumbere MCCJ
Integral ecology as a socio-pastoral vision...