Laudato Si Centre – Comboni Uganda (LSCC) was established by the Comboni missionaries in Uganda in January 2023, to coordinate the activities of Comboni Action for Environment and Human promotion(CAEHP).

LSCC provides a forum to intertwine evangelization (announcing the Gospel) with social apostolate (Human promotion, social transformation, and Environmental protection) with the aim of contributing to providing an innovative solution to the ecological challenges in Uganda.

The establishment of Laudato Si ‘Centre by the Comboni Missionaries in Uganda was inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Laudato Si’ ‘of 2015, which calls us to ecological conversion. Secondly, it was a response to the invitation of the nineteenth (XIX) general chapter of the Comboni Missionaries to develop and facilitate accompanying paths to encourage conversion to integral ecology in our spirituality and formation, enhancing the Comboni initiatives in this sense and thus collaborating in social transformation as indicated by the encyclicals Laudato Si’ (LS) and Fratelli Tutti.

Inspired by these two documents from the Pope’s encyclicals and the charism of the Comboni family, we want to participate in addressing the environmental, human, and social degradation as a way of attending to the vulnerable people of our society and taking care of our common home as proposed to us by the church.

Laudato Si’ Center collaborates with groups of people (in our parishes and institutions) and relevant stakeholders who are committed to the process of ecological conversion and deepening their relationship with God as Creator and with all members of the church. Using the classical See, Judge, and Act methodology, the members gather regularly for prayer, reflection, analysis, and actions in compassionate love and concern for our common home.

The Center was launched on 1st of May 2023 under the theme: Together for Our Environment. The Laudato Si Center Comboni Uganda is established to coordinate the activities of the Comboni Action for Environment and Human Promotion.

The initiative was started by Bro. Cosmas Ochan Okech, and Bro, Michael Avaga, Comboni Missionaries from Uganda with guidance from the Provincial Superior, Fr. Anthony Kibira Kimbowa.

Every third Wednesday of the month, Directors of LSCC and some members of Catholic Workers Movement go for a radio talk show on Radio Maria to sensitize people on the issue of environmental protection, in the light of Laudato Si’.


The vision of Laudato Si Center – Comboni Uganda shall be; “To be the leading Center that helps communities to embrace human transformation, the sustainability of our common home (Mother Earth) and the protection of the environment.”


The mission of LSCC – Uganda shall be; “To help people respond sustainably to the ecological crisis of our time and take actions in protecting the environment and defending the vulnerable of our society through implementation of projects and programs that improve livelihood.


The main objective is to respond to the cry of Mother Church for the protection of Mother Earth (care for common home) as directed in the Laudato Si encyclical of 2015.


1. To undertake a broader ecological analysis of the environmental crisis through research, promote a deeper ecological education, and create awareness on the need to protect our common home.

2. Advocacy, lobby and campaigns for clean environment – to engage government and relevant stakeholders at all levels to enforce better environmental policies to conserve nature and protect our common home.

3. To promote collective action towards restoration of nature through afforestation, conservation, organic agriculture and social innovation in waste management using the 5Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Repair, Recycle and Reuse)

4. To participate actively in world environment day, and seek alternative livelihood options for personal and social transformation.

5. To bridge the gap in our ministry of evangelization.


The programs of the center include:

  • Capacity development for the members to tackle effectively the ecological and social challenges.
  • Promotion of individual and community actions toward ecological conversion and human promotion.
  • Community Sensitization
  • Agriculture, Afforestation, and ecological leadership training.
  • Youth Empowerment
  • Gender transformation
  • Missionary animation and vocation promotion
  • Promotion of environmental-based liturgical celebration.
  • Fellowship (sharing innovative ideas with other NGOs and government institutions)
  • Social innovation
  • Promotion of solidarity
  • Promotion of sustainable waste management

Integrity of creation is an important aspect of the Comboni Missionary evangelization, yet little attention has been paid to this aspect as we minister to the poorest and most abandoned. Therefore, LSCC helps to address this gap so that our ministry is complete.

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