Report of Fr Jaime Calvera to the General Assembly of Missionary Animation
From Madrid, the following works have been carried out for the dissemination of our magazines Mundo Negro and Aguiluchos, not counting the campaigns that the Mundo Negro Administration regularly does.
Parishes visited during the 2023-24 academic year: 14
Number of subscriptions to Mundo Negro magazine: 139
Number of subscriptions to the magazine Aguiluchos: 78
Total subscriptions Mundo Negro and Aguiluchos: 217
We continue to encourage the communities and especially the people directly in charge of this ministry of Missionary Animation, to continue with commitment, efficiency and missionary spirit, the dissemination of our magazines that have been and are very valid in our missionary presence in Spain.
2.1 Book Fairs in 2023-24

We still have some Book Fairs pending (Palencia, Murcia and Seville). We regret this year that we were unable to participate in the Madrid Book Fair, after 35 years of active participation. We hope to be able to be present next year. The MN Administration and the MN Publishing House have made arrangements to make a contract with a book distributor, which was the condition required of us by the organization of the Madrid Book Fair.
At some fairs, the nearest community helps during the days of sale and presence; communities continue to be encouraged to participate more in these events so typical of Missionary Animation.
2.2 New Publications and Reprints
This year, Editorial Mundo Negro has published the following new releases:
- El Rosario Misionero
- Los barrenderos de Banguí
- Nuru y la vaca número 10
- Nicole Ndongala
- Africanas. 50+1 mujeres en el mundo
- Fábulas sud-sudanesas de la tradición nuer
This year, Editorial Mundo Negro has reprinted the following titles:
- Fábulas africanas (7ª edición)
- Arte negro africano (4ª edición)
- Pueblos y culturas de África (3ª edición)
- Cuando se narraban los cuentos en África (3ª edición)
- Habari za Francisco (2ª edición)
- Santos y beatos africanos (3ª edición)
Outside the Mundo Negro catalogue, but prepared, corrected and laid out by Mundo Negro Publishing:
- La familia comboniana en oración
The missionary animators of the Province of Spain met from February 13 to 15 in a “Practical Workshop on Missionary Animation” in order to introduce some brothers who were joining the Province of Spain and to meet the need to get new subscriptions for our magazines of Mundo Negro and Aguiluchos.
At the Workshop, 8 members of the province from the communities of Palencia, Palas de Rei, Moncada and Madrid were present. We also had the presence of Fr. Fernando González Galarza, Secretary General of the Mission and Fr. Javier Alvarado, European Coordinator of Missionary Animation.
The Workshop had several parts: two of a theoretical nature such as the presentation of Daniel Comboni as a missionary animator in Europe and a report from the Administration of the CAM on the Evaluation of the activities, with special emphasis on the progressive decrease in the number of subscriptions of Mundo Negro and Aguiluchos.
The concrete and practical topics of the Workshop were: how to organize a campaign for the Dissemination of the Mundo Negro and Aguiluchos in a parish; how to organize a Book Fair or be present at them and how to promote the sale of books and calendars. We also listened to the contribution of Fr. Fernando González Galarza, from the secretariat of the Mission who informed us about the next general assembly of missionary animation from April 22 to 26 in Rome and Fr. Boni Gbama informed us about the current situation of social media in our province.
The final evaluation of the participants was good: “clear, precise and concrete presentations”, “the workshop has been very practical and well conducted”, “interesting to know the reality of the Comboni Journals in Spain and from here to become aware of what we have to do as a province in the different communities”, “atmosphere and welcome of the community of Madrid, very good”, these are some of the contributions.
It was insisted that each community have a missionary Animator, active, available who, while participating in SCAM activities, can also do Comboni Missionary Animation. It was also requested that the missionary animators be able to meet once a year to evaluate this type of activity among us.