Moving towards a Comboni model of Education

On 16th April 2021, a number of Comboni educators from Kenya, Egypt, Malawi, Uganda met virtually to reflect on their presence in different educational...

Quality, Identity and Mission of Comboni Schools in Sudan

Saint Daniel Comboni and his successors created dozens of schools in Sudan, a country where 97% of the population are Muslims. How these schools...

Vive Laudato si’

Lea la presentación de las diapositivas

Social Analysis for Transformation

Exploring the methodology through the case study of plastic pollution Read the comments to the slildes

Living Laudato si’ – The Laudato si’ Action Plan

Building together a process for Religious communities and Institutes

A Participatory Perspective on the Pastoral Cycle

An introduction to participatory methods in Social Analysis See the comments to the slides of this presentation

AMANI (Granada) – Welcoming space for migrants’ socialization AMANI is a citizen's platform that fights for the integration of migrants into the society of Granada. It consists of a network of projects and...

Cantiere Casa Comune

I comboniani vogliono dare nuovo slancio alla loro missione in Italia. E lo vogliono fare all’insegna della più ampia partecipazione. E dunque rinnovano la...

AMANI – welcoming space for the socialization of migrants

The most relevant intiatives of AMANI are: Tx2 (Techo y Trabajo)Proyecto Familias AcogedorasCasa KARIBUInserción laboralLlegada de 16 migrantes argelinosFacebook de AMANIOlla de San AntónColaboración Área...

Pastoral Afrocolombiana

Il Centro Afrocolombiano di Spiritualitá y Desarrollo Integral di Bogotá (CAEDI) è un servizio ai gruppi afroamericani, specialmente di Bogotá (circa 800.000) che sono...