Missionary Animation and Integral Ecology

by Bro. Alberto Parise MCCJ The Connection between Mission and Integral Ecology The connection between mission and integral ecology might not seem evident at first glance....

“Terra e Missione”: A Sign and Instrument for Missionary Animation

Anna Moccia gives her testimony on missionary animation at the General Assembly of Missionary Animation in Rome, on April 23rd 2024. Her reflection elaborates...

Missionary Animation in a Changing World

by Giulio Albanese MCCJ Introductory Remarks a) The Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Missio (RM) of December 8, 1990, presented Mission under three aspects: pastoral care, new evangelization,...

Missionary Animation Mapping

(Follow this link to view the slides) The mapping of missionary animation within the Institute is an initiative aimed at raising awareness of the current...

Synthesis of the General Assembly of Missionary Animation

The General Assembly of Missionary Animation took place in Rome from 22nd to 26th April 2024, with the participation of sector leaders (from 21...

“Looking to the Future with Hope”: General Assembly of Missionary Animation 2024

By General Secretariat of Mission The General Assembly of Missionary Animation took place in Rome from 22 to 26 April, with the participation of sector...

The Comboni Family of America: Retreats in the spirit of integral ecology

Hello! How about praying with us on a spiritual itinerary on Integral Ecology? We share with you this proposal of Spiritual Exercises in five...

The health of communication in the Comboni circumscriptions

After the presentation of the report of the Communications Office to the XIX General Chapter 2022, last June in Rome, one of the Chapter...

Prayer Intention of the Comboni Family

February 2022 We pray that our Church may be ever more fraternal, so that all of us can participate in it and be co-responsible for...

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (Jn 1, 14)

The critical situation the world is experiencing because of the pandemic cannot be a reason to stop celebrating Christmas with joy, nor not to...