COVID – 19 #MakeCommonCause

"They will no longer be 'them'. It will be 'us'. Because we can only get out of this situation together" -Pope Francis Material elaborated in...

Inserts Familia Comboniana – Year 2020

March 2020: The General Chapter and Ministeriality May 2020: The Laity and Ministeriality June 2020: Ministeriality in the Magisterium of the Church July 2020: Finding a methodology for a ministerial chruch September...

Pacto Comboniano para la Casa Común

Por ocasião do Sínodo da Amazônia, no dia 20 de outubro 2019 celebrou-se em S. Domitila, Roma, o Pacto das Catacumbas para a Casa...

Mappatura Kenya

Mapping of the social ministries of the Comboni Family

The Comboni Family has decided to carry out an exercise of mapping the social ministry activities. This is an important work that provides the...

Workbook for community animation

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